Sunday, February 13, 2011

Yes, it's a Valentine's Day post

Now I know of the like five or six followers of this blog I have, not one of them really cares about Valentine's Day. I figured at the very least I could spare a few minutes to talk about something that rakes in millions in sales every year. As adults, it has a lot of meanings. Raunchy sex, remembering to buy flowers, and raunchy sex. But think back to when you were a kid, and sex wasn't even a thing. Valentine's Day was kind of a purer thing. There were little paper slips that you passed around to all of your friends, and you hoped you could somehow give it to that one special person. Back when I was in school it became mandatory to give to all of your classmates, so it took away that difficulty. You just had to somehow make that one special Valentine card and hope that they realized that it was different from the rest. I mean, the alternative was to actually express your feelings in a direct manner, and we all know that's not gonna happen in third or fourth grade. That energy that builds from handing over the Valentine's card is probably the strongest memory of pure emotion that I have. Nothing was indecent or lewd about it. There was a girl on the other side of the room that made you smile. You placed a card in the little mailbox and that's all there was. No matter how unlikely the pairing, the heartfelt meaning behind that Valentine was pure. I'm 26 now, and thinking back to those days I can't help but feel mislead. I can see the whole of Valentine's Day now and I think, where did it all go? I don't want an entire night of insane sex. I want to see my favorite girl smile. I know I may be in the minority, but still, you can have insane sex any night you want. You can eat a fancy restaurant, any night you want. But Valentine's Day is one day a year, and you should be trying to make your girl smile everyday. It shouldn't be a reminder that you are a couple. It should be a reminder of when you were one person, and she was another, and the only thing that mattered was making each other smile.

1 comment:

  1. Valentines Day has turned into this insane 24 hour span where all women become Queens and their men must shower them in chocolate, rose petals, jewels and expensive gifts. To do otherwise will result in the painful death of the male.

    This is ridiculous, and I say that as a proud heterosexual woman. I've always felt bad for guys on Valentine's Day. What do they get? Nothin'. Plus, I'd feel kinda strange if this man gave me 5930593094 dollars worth of stuff and then he was all "Sex please?" I'd feel like a [high class] hooker. I've never had a BF during Valentines Day. (>< never had one at all), so this day is always sorta weird for me.

    I hope couples enjoy themselves and all that jazz, but I still say meh to the whole thing.

